Mosquito Control
What Should You know
Mosquitoes are viewed as one of the most dreaded vector borne ailment bugs and just female mosquitoes have puncturing mouth parts adjusted for sucking blood.

Carbon Dioxide



Simon Jr. Mosquito Control Solution
At Simon Jr, we utilize Water-Based Fogging to break mosquito reproducing cycle. The disposal of grown-up female mosquito decreases the opportunity for eggs to be lay. To address worries of encountering thick haze of smoke and undesirable diesel smell produced by the diesel-based hazing, Simon Jr. will just utilize Water-Based Fogging answer for deal with your mosquito issues.
The impact does not make enduring remaining impact, however it will fundamentally diminish the quantity of mosquito in your premises.
Contact Us
Contact us today to figure out how we can convey our Mosquito Control Solution at your premises.
Simon Jr is resolved to be associated with the battle against dengue. Investigate our infographic as we followed the Rise and Fall of Dengue Cases in Singapore as of late. Be watchful and play out the 5-advance Mozzie Wipeout today.